Кыргыз Республикасындагы чакан жана орто ишкерлик-2012-2016” статистикалык жыйнагы басылып чыкты

Publications: 27.09.2017

The publication contains a brief analysis of situation and development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2012-2016 and statistical data on types of economic activity and territory. The publication contains statistical tables and graphs that characterize the number of operating enterprises, the number of employees working in them, financial and economic and foreign economic activity, as well as production performance indicators of small and medium-sized enterprises. Contains data on the on the activities of peasant (farmer) households and individual entrepreneurs.

The publication contains the main diagram of the classifier of enterprise types and brief methodological explanations for indicators.

Those who wish to purchase this publication should contact the Marketing Service of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Last updating: 27.09.2017, 11:01