Distribution of the number of students in daytime general education organizations by language of instruction (person)

  2015 2016 2017 2018 2019  
Number of students in organizations with one language of instruction 643 662 680 399 696 338 697 049 705 216
Kyrgyz 485 205 509 069 519 716 510 108 515 378
Russian 152 964 162 698 172 200 176 576
Uzbek 17 926 16 128 11 653 2 351 10 792
Tajik 2 060 2 238 2 271 12 390 2 470
Number of students in organizations with two or more languages of instruction 446 538 495 381 526 323 571 019 606 262
Kyrgyz-Russian 325 286 364 630 382 549 428 315 459 036
Kyrgyz-Uzbek 31 189 29 619 30 750 31 342 29 923
Kyrgyz-Tajik 1 663 1 432 1 461 1 475 1 451
Uzbek-Russian 45 317 45 863 54 074 52 855 50 569
Uzbek-Tajik 1 184 1 307 1 319 1 396
Russian-Tajik 197
Kyrgyz-Uzbek-Russian 40 734 50 290 53 853 54 566 61 288
Russian-Uzbek-Tajik 1 165 1 142 1 199 1 280 1 205
Kyrgyz-Russian-Uzbek-Tajik 1 098 1 118 1 186 1 197
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR www.stat.kg..