Financial indicators by types enterprise of non-financial sectors (mln. som)

  2014 2015 2016 2017 2018  
Sales procceds (gross revenue) from sales of products, goods, works and services 290 535 307 859.7 350 149.6 406 293.6 422 307
Sales procceds (gross revenue) from sales of products, goods, works and services
Non-operatinge incomes, outlays (-) -25 295.7 -55 250.7 10 509 -23 921.5 -15 287.5
Non-operatinge incomes, outlays (-)
Balanced financial result (profit minus loss) 5 380 -26 142.7 46 913.1 27 241.4 27 026.5
Profits of enterprises 40 382.7 40 973.7 60 207.1 58 773.3 53 285.8
Loses of enterprises 35 002.7 67 116.4 13 293.9 31 531.9 26 259.2
Expenses for production (works, services) and sales 259 846.2 278 731.4 313 726.9 354 672 379 997.6
Expenses for production (works, services) and sales
Financial assets 89 136.1 119 582.3 135 357.6 124 450.5 128 903.3
Monetary assets 32 798 32 981.5 62 200.1 55 146.3 53 627.2
Cash 6 085.2 6 362.2 15 722.1 15 654.9 16 543.2
Bank deposits 11 042 10 340.5 18 462 17 378 20 965.5
Foreign currency deposits 15 370.9 15 702.2 27 907.4 21 888.9 15 628.9
Other monetary assets 300 576.5 108.7 224.5 489.7
Credits and loans 245 577.8 343 104 352 537.9 340 241.4 386 235.6
Inventories 119 878.5 134 532.2 146 650.9 159 131.4 178 342.6
Production stocks (raw materials) 32 568.8 35 511.8 33 064 43 439 45 198.5
Finished goods 10 054.6 12 870.1 15 084.1 17 165.6 17 232.4
Goods for resale 38 961.7 39 460.8 43 596.4 48 287.9 61 236.9
Work-in-process 27 613.1 34 288.5 40 441.8 35 388.8 39 302.8
Value of fixed assets at beginning of year 227 756.1 290 746.8 346 001 365 314.7 428 794.9
Value of fixed assets at end of year 290 878.5 345 539.6 366 293.4 420 747.1 453 121
Average value of fixed assets during year 259 317.3 318 143.2 356 147.2 393 030.9 440 958
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR