Males (assessment at the beginning of the year, people)

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023  
Total 3 169 634 3 237 606 3 294 134 3 417 348 3 480 298
< 1 years 86 596 87 433 80 007 76 269 76 417
1 years 77 509 86 376 87 243 81 341 76 213
2 years 79 608 77 403 86 269 85 458 81 354
3 years 82 726 79 543 77 308 86 790 85 444
4 years 81 347 82 655 79 460 82 995 86 766
5 years 78 003 81 281 82 584 81 059 82 971
6 years 77 681 77 946 81 232 83 628 81 041
7 years 74 732 77 620 77 880 81 704 83 603
8 years 72 974 74 690 77 570 77 744 81 673
9 years 67 266 72 934 74 644 77 100 77 704
10 years 59 107 67 222 72 897 74 403 77 067
11 years 62 870 59 068 67 170 77 861 74 378
12 years 56 920 62 826 59 023 73 276 77 818
13 years 54 539 56 873 62 773 68 796 73 257
14 years 56 086 54 484 56 826 64 794 68 744
15 years 52 588 56 039 54 435 60 632 64 762
16 years 50 210 52 552 56 013 58 951 60 618
17 years 48 016 50 175 52 522 57 936 58 939
18 years 49 999 47 961 50 130 53 793 57 920
19 years 51 250 49 934 47 919 51 340 53 801
20-24 years 274 817 266 640 259 144 253 508 254 324
25-29 years 291 314 290 865 287 790 274 015 270 005
30-34 years 270 172 279 212 287 286 276 340 278 306
35-39 years 208 010 218 077 228 047 236 951 247 083
40-44 years 172 791 177 392 183 064 201 122 204 059
45-49 years 155 658 157 097 157 408 169 850 176 758
50-54 years 140 195 141 588 144 448 154 591 157 215
55-59 years 128 484 130 091 129 055 137 785 138 920
60-64 years 89 279 95 858 102 911 113 624 118 312
65-69 years 54 414 57 632 60 780 71 400 76 511
70-74 years 25 744 31 195 35 498 40 443 44 446
75-79 years 16 840 14 009 12 377 13 899 15 796
80-84 years 12 629 13 540 12 851 11 604 11 242
85+ years 9 260 9 395 9 570 6 346 6 831
Лицензия Creative Commons

Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR